beyond selective bubbles

This blog post isn't about hackers who build for fun; it discusses people who build for the general public and profit.

Entrepreneurs and indie hackers easily get caught up in their enthusiasm for their ideas and products. Late nights spent researching, networking with like-minded peers, and consuming inspiration from podcasts and books - it's no wonder they become completely invested in their visions.

However, there is a danger when that enthusiasm crosses into selective listening. I recall interacting with an indie hacker eager to build a new product. Excited to get feedback, they asked for my perspective. However, when I shared some factual, evidence-based critiques and areas for improvement, the response was cold.

Rather than taking the feedback objectively, they dismissed it as "negative" and "pessimistic."

It's understandable to want validation from others as an entrepreneur.

Ideas are personal, and critiques can feel like a rejection.

But true product-market fit requires looking beyond their selective bubbles of support. They need feedback from people outside their circle to gain a broader perspective.

Data should inform their thinking more than anecdotes alone.

They must be careful and not fall into the trap of only listening to opinions confirming their biases. If they want to build products for the general public, they must be receptive to thoughtful feedback - even if it conflicts with their preconceptions.

The world isn't divided neatly into optimists and pessimists.

True success requires being open to hard truths, incorporating diverse viewpoints, and letting data - not just optimism - guide their decisions.

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