bros, dinosaurs, and mrr gloaters

First, you have the Bros. These are the guys aggressively following all the latest frameworks and languages, desperately attempting to look like early adopters. They'll take any opportunity to humble brag about their stacks and constantly shill for new bloated, aka bleeding-edge tech tools. We get it, dude; you loaded 20 libraries to build a basic website - very scale of you.

Next up are the Dinosaurs. In stark contrast to the Bros, these folks stubbornly stick to tried and true stacks from their prime days. Any mention of a client-side JavaScript framework sends them into a screeching rage about how robust their preferred stack is. Change is the enemy as far as they're concerned.

Last but not least are the Indie Hackers, an eccentric yet growing tribe. While the concept has been a way of life for many before them, they've turned it into a lifestyle brand. You'll find them espousing the virtues of $99 app boilerplates, nomad efficiency, and perfecting the "200 lines of code" apps and tools. They basically just suck each other's d*cks -- there, I said it.

Caught in the middle are the few remaining sane people who don't feel the need to pick extreme sides. But it's usually just the Bros and Dinosaurs throwing poop at each other while the Indie Hackers form a culty circle jerk in the corner. Ah, the majesty of tech Twitter.

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