sucks to be me. you. us...oh frig off!

I came across a comment ==post== (now deleted) on X the other day that said, "man, if you're indian and trying to make some bread, first thing is change your name online, Rachid Deepak Kumar does not transmit competence, i'm sorry but it's facts."

This person was arguing that having an Indian name can be a hindrance when trying to do business online.

I don't think the issue is limited to Indians. I've worked with SaaS makers from mainland China who choose not to reveal they are from China and sometimes use alternate names online. They do this because of perceived negative stereotypes about quality and reliability that can come with a "Made in China" label.

It seems national stereotypes can also influence perceptions regardless of actual ability or experience. As someone with over a decade of professional experience working mostly with non-Indian folks, I've found that potential clients always fall into one of two camps - those willing to fairly compensate based on skills and those expecting to pay less simply because I'm Indian.

As an Indian, it does sting to see the stereotyping. But defending it by pointing to the success of individuals like Naval Ravikant or Balaji Srinivasan doesn't address the root issue (I noticed this pattern on X).

Don't let ignorance ruin your day.

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