wrapping up a busy day with fargo

It was a hectic day overseeing the release of our updated AI product on Product Hunt. Ensuring everything went smoothly and that feedback was addressed in real time took up most of my time. Feel free to reach out if you need help getting your product in front of the community. I'd be happy to hunt and promote deserving projects.

🛠️ Between launch tasks, I found time to improve, my simple Markdown to HTML generator.

✨ I applied to become a .ax domain registrar a few days ago, and they approved my application. Now, I can help you register a dot ax domain.

😠 We wasted too much money on mediocre food for dinner at a new restaurant.

Wishing everyone the very best as we head into the weekend.

11:50 PM: Temperatures have dropped. Currently -6 degrees Celsius outside.

Time to watch Fargo (S5).

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